The manifestation of leg fungal disease is frequent. In most cases, toenails or toenail fungal disease will not bring any life-threatening consequences, but it does cause a lot of inconvenience.
Onychomycosis occurs in 25% of the world's residents.
Trichophyton colonies often cause fungus on the legs. The fungus on the legs may not be visible at first, but soon the symptoms will make them feel themselves. The feet are often affected by several pathogens, including molds and yeasts.
Due to the activity of fungi in the body, toxins will accumulate, damage metabolism and reduce immunity.
Under favorable conditions, the fungus will not only affect the toenails, but the toenails are not enough. It will spread to the feet, enter the bloodstream if there is a wound, and affect various organs.
The fungus can start in abrasions and cuts, cracks in the skin of the legs. Sweaty feet, ignoring hygiene, wearing tight-fitting shoes-for example, how the fungus starts toenails in most cases. However, if you take preventive measures and treat nail onychomycosis in time, you will not remember this unpleasant disease.
Where can I buy fungi
The emergence of fungi is not only related to reduced immunity. Of course, this depends largely on the body's defenses, but there are other reasons that must be considered for the emergence of fungi.
First of all, fungal diseases can be obtained from patients. In about 30% of patients, toenail fungal disease is caused by a relative's infection. In daily life, the patient's skin will fall on carpets, towels, slippers and other daily necessities.
If a person’s bare skin touches the surface, discomfort, itching, and other signs of fungal infection begin to appear.
To determine why toenail fungus appears, the cause can be determined in bathtubs, saunas, and swimming pools. High humidity can sometimes increase the chance of infection, and visitors to almost every public institution listed above can discover what toenail fungus is.
The fungal spores can withstand extreme temperatures and can survive for a long time. To prevent it, everyone should know the source of the fungus and take measures to prevent infection.
Usually, fungi enter the human body through wounds and skin cracks. If there is no wound, the fungal infection can manifest as scaling and itching of the feet. If these and the symptoms listed below start to bother you, you need to see a doctor and they will tell you how to kill the fungus quickly and cheaply.
Fungal symptoms
The first symptom of fungus on toenails is the dull color of the plate, which may be a feeling of dry feet and peeling skin. Later, symptoms of fungus appear on the toenails, such as thickening, brittleness, and discoloration of the plate.
The attending physician will prescribe a diagnosis-scratch the skin and nails and send it to the laboratory. There, experts know how to determine nail fungus and its sensitivity to drugs. Based on the results, the doctor will tell you how to eliminate the discomfort and how to start treatment for toenail tinea.
People who have been sick already generally know how to determine the fungus on the toenails, and if they recur, they will immediately see a doctor. If you do not start treatment in time, the mold of the toenails will change from an acute form to a chronic form, which will recur in the warm season and exacerbate chronic diseases.
Usually, the fungus on the thumbnail will be accompanied by dermatophytes, and then blisters such as ulcerative ulcers and pustules may appear. If rapid nail treatment fails, the spores will embed deeper into the nail plate.
It is full of yellow spots, chipped nails, and an unpleasant odor from the affected area. Usually, you need to remove your nails to make the disease the focus. In this case, it can be removed after removing the plate (laser, chemical or mechanical). Appropriate treatment options for fungi include a range of remedies, including hygiene procedures and nutrition.
Experts will evaluate the symptoms and prescribe them based on individual circumstances, because not all drugs are generic drugs, and not everyone can take all drugs. In the initial stage, some creams are usually prescribed to remove the symptoms on the nails and the fungus itself.
If several nails are affected and the disease has spread to the skin, the doctor will begin serious medical treatment of the nail fungus and control all stages. Increasing bacterial infections will complicate the situation. In this case, it is not only necessary to decide how to remove the fungus under the nails, but also to take effective treatments for eczema, psoriasis and so on.

Types of nail fungus
The vesicle type starts on the plantar part of the foot. As the course of the disease progresses, swelling appears and bubbles are scattered in the fluid. Later, the fungus may grow on the toenails. If the toenail fungus is not detected in time, the disease will further develop and spread to other parts of the body. The vesicle type is characterized by increased bacterial infections.
The type of membrane starts between the 4th and 5th toes at the folds of the skin. Until the nail fungus manifests itself, it can severely affect the skin-scales, cracks, ulcers appear.
Moccasin-like types start from soles and heels. The symptoms of this nail fungus begin to appear after the disease damages the skin. Cracks, peeling skin, painful sensations will appear.
In all three variants of the disease, fungus will appear under the nail over time, which can cause it to thicken, become brittle, and often lose it. Doctors know how to recognize nail fungus early, so don't diagnose yourself. The most important thing is to find a good expert who will tell you how to get rid of toenail fungus faster.
How to treat fungus
In order to get rid of the fungus on the toenails instead of "flying into the pipe", you need to use the medicine prescribed by the doctor at the dosage and the exact time specified by the doctor. Otherwise, the newly removed fungus will return with new vigor.
Nowadays, complex treatments including pulse treatment methods are very popular. This means using a lot of antifungal drugs to actively fight toenail fungus.
Long pauses are required between treatment sessions. To remove the fungus under the toenail, treatment should include varnish, film, and ointment. They are based on fungicidal preparations, which unfortunately are not always effective.
In order to successfully treat toenail fungus, you need to determine the type of pathogen, the type of skin, and the severity of the disease. This is the only way to eliminate nail fungus, and the spores of nail fungus should not be alone.
The doctor will tell you how to treat dry skin onychomycosis and how to properly prepare for surgery. For example, greasy creams are great for dry skin, choose ointments to treat the soles of the feet, apply the suspension between the fingers, and apply varnish on the nails. You don't need to think about how to remove the fungus yourself. The doctor will take care of this.
When diagnosed with toenail fungus, treatment usually involves removal of the nail. This is necessary because the nail will prevent the medication from affecting the fungus underneath. The doctor at the reception will explain how to properly treat the toenails with local medicines and pills.
Only at the onset of the disease and when the use of systemic drugs is prohibited, topical drugs can be used alone. How do you know if systemic drugs are inappropriate? The doctor will tell you this. In particular, pregnant women, children, and people with kidney and liver diseases do not need to take pills. For them, special instructions on how to get rid of toenail fungus. The therapy may be long-term.
The topical preparation is used twice a day, and the ointment is replaced with another preparation after two weeks so that the fungus will not develop resistance. In order to restore the health of the new nails, the treatment period for toenail fungus will last about one year. If the disease only affects the feet or the space between the fingers, there is enough ointment to use for one month.
Prescribe systemic drugs to treat severe nail damage. This treatment of toenail mycosis will be very effective, but due to the toxicity of the drug, medical supervision is necessary.
Systemic drugs act on the stomach, kidneys and liver. Before starting treatment, the fungal toenails can be expelled in an appropriate way. The doctor will tell you how to remove the fungus from the toenails with minimal damage and restore business faster.
Get rid of fungus with folk remedies
Before how to treat toenail fungus through folk remedies, you need to consult a doctor to understand its safety and appropriateness in a specific situation.
The fact is that these recipes usually describe how to remove the fungus from the nails, but do not take into account the individual characteristics of the organism, the age of the patient, the accompanying diseases and contraindications.
Only a doctor can tell the patient how to treat toenail fungus with herbs (herbs) that are used in pharmacies and improvised. The following is a popular guide for people looking for how to treat toenail fungus.
Judging by comments, the washing powder is helpful because it contains alkali which is harmful to fungi. To treat toenail fungus in this way, you need to take 100 grams of powder, dissolve it in a bowl of hot water, and steam your nails for 15 minutes. It was commented that it is possible to cure the mild stage of the disease within 10 days.
Another recipe recommends hydrogen peroxide treatment when diagnosing toenail fungus on the big toe. First, you need to steam your feet in soda water (1 liter of hot water = 1 spoon of baking soda). After the toenails are steamed, you can dip a cotton swab in peroxide and apply it to the affected area.
To prevent the peroxide from evaporating, you can put a plastic wrap on the compressed material. This process takes about an hour, and you need to repeat it twice a day. The treatment process should continue to consider the depth of the nail plate lesion.
Garlic is a plant rich in phytoncide. It can be immersed in salt and rubbed on the affected area. Porridge is also useful, it is applied in compressed form. It is important that there are no wounds or cracks on the skin, otherwise the garlic will cause pain and the wound will not heal.
Ammonia is used as a dressing, but it is not pure, but diluted with water. Once the fungal symptoms begin to appear, it is 1 tablespoon. Stir the ammonia in a glass of water. Next, immerse a clean bandage in the solution and apply it to the affected area overnight in the form of a compress.
I mentioned the fungus on the nails many times in the comments, and I defeated it with ordinary soda water. Soda water creates an environment that is not conducive to fungi. Dilute the powder with water to a thin state, apply it to the nail on the affected area for 20 minutes, then rinse and dry. This is not only an effective treatment, but also effective in preventing toenail fungus when visiting swimming pools and saunas.
Use boric acid after steaming your feet in a foot bath. After washing, you need to dry your feet and nails thoroughly, sprinkle boric acid powder, put on socks, and overnight. Repeat the process throughout the week.
Prevent onychomycosis

The attending physician will explain how to quickly cure toenail fungus and how to avoid infection of this unpleasant disease. First, you need to be careful about walking barefoot in public places (sauna, fitness room, swimming pool)-you need to wear rubber slippers everywhere.
However, if there is an accident and you don't want to learn the hazards of toenail fungus from your own experience, you need to use a preventive varnish or shower with an anti-fungal shampoo when you go home.
Secondly, if the skin of the legs is damaged, the risk of infection will be greatly increased. Before recovering your skin, you need to cancel the trip to the swimming pool, exercise, etc. If you touch a surface that may be infected, and you have itchy skin afterwards, you need to use ointment to treat the fungus in these areas immediately.
Third, in order not to worry about whether toenail fungus can be cured, it is important to choose shoes that are suitable for the season, make them dry and keep them clean. Your shoes should not be worn by others.
You should not get shoes from others. When trying on shoes in a store, you need to wear socks or stockings to prevent the shoes from touching your skin. After you buy your shoes, you need to disinfect them-put a cotton swab dipped in tea tree oil in a sealed bag for a day.